
Meeting Handouts: Documents

The SunCooler: American Technology

One of the SC2.5 units at the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Tracy California.
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NWREC is an energy company. We have interests in:

  1. Air handling and building efficiency
  2. Energy distribution and storage
  3. Energy production and efficiency; thermal, chemical, electrical, etc...
  4. And more

NWREC focuses on building energy conservation via air handling with the SunCooler: a patented solar powered autonomous ventilator. High bay commercial, warehouse, and storage buildings equipped with SunCoolers can realize significant heating energy and cooling energy savings. The SunCooler can also provide high rates of environmentally sensed and regulated Fresh Air Exchanges which are important for high occupancy buildings such as Schools and Correctional Facilities, in order to satisfy their COVID-19 fresh air requirements.

No other air handling product competes with this new and revolutionary technology that has been performing on high bay facilities for over 10 years. Research our products tab for more information or contact us to discuss your ventilation and energy conservation needs.

Download our "Meeting Handouts" and discuss with your engineering team!

Below is one of the SunCooler SC15K CFM units on a Target Distribution Center, Albany Oregon.

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